There Be Alligators

I really thought my navigator was kidding when she told me we might see alligators in the swamp yesterday. Then, Uncle Grumpy informed me that there were alligators in the larger, Dismal Swamp, right next to the state park we were planning to visit.  They're just kidding, right?

Apparently not.  Along the trail from the visitors' center to the boat launch I saw a large sign with several glossy photos of alligators and text assuring the reader that even though there was a 10 ft. plus alligator known to live in the swamp, he had never been reported to bother anyone. Passengers are reminded to keep their hands inside the vehicle at all times during the ride.

It was a perfect day for exploring the millpond.  Millpond State Park  Our only surprise was the lack of birds heard or spotted during our two-hour paddle.  We knew they were there, somewhere.  Maybe we were too noisy in our approach, or maybe they knew the alligator was lurking close by???

The ranger suggested we try the canoes rather than our intended kayaks.  They were easy to handle.

The moss is calling and we must go.

Sometimes we had trouble locating the buoys marking our trail.

Wouldn't it be exciting to camp here overnight?

For some reason we thought the cedar "knees" looked an awful lot like meerkats in disguise.
